Who Should Not Have Laser Eye Surgery?

CTA: If you are considering laser eye surgery, consult with a qualified ophthalmologist to determine if you are a suitable candidate. Your eye health is important, and a professional assessment will help you make an informed decision.

Laser eye surgery has revolutionized the field of ophthalmology, providing millions of people with improved vision and freedom from glasses or contact lenses. However, it is important to understand that not everyone is a suitable candidate for this procedur.
This article will explore the factors that qualify someone to have laser eye surgery and those that disqualify them. By understanding these factors, individuals can decide whether laser eye surgery is right for them.


Factors that qualify someone to have laser eye surgery


Stable vision:
Stable vision is one of the primary factors determining whether someone is a suitable candidate for laser eye surgery. This means that their glasses or contact lenses prescription has not changed significantly in the past year. Stable vision ensures that the surgical correction will be effective in the long term.


Good overall eye health:
Another crucial factor is good overall eye health. Candidates should not have any existing eye conditions or diseases, such as glaucoma or cataracts, that could interfere with the surgery’s success. A thorough examination by an ophthalmologist is necessary to determine the health of the candidate’s eyes.


Adequate corneal thickness:
The cornea, the outer layer of the eye, is reshaped during laser eye surgery to correct vision. Therefore, candidates must have sufficient corneal thickness to undergo the procedure safely. A thin cornea may not be able to withstand the reshaping process, leading to potential complications.


Age requirements:
Most laser eye surgeons recommend that candidates be at least 18 years old, as the eyes continue to develop during adolescence. Additionally, candidates should be over 40 to ensure that their vision has stabilized and they are not likely to require reading glasses soon.


Factors that disqualify someone from having laser eye surgery


Pregnancy and breastfeeding:
Pregnant or breastfeeding women are typically advised to postpone laser eye surgery. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect vision, and the safety of the procedure during this time has not been extensively studied. It is best to wait until after pregnancy and breastfeeding to ensure the most accurate vision assessment.


Unstable vision:
Individuals with rapidly changing vision, such as those with unstable refractive errors, may not be suitable candidates for laser eye surgery. In these cases, the effectiveness of the surgical correction may be compromised, leading to suboptimal results.


Autoimmune disorders:
People with autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, may risk developing complications after laser eye surgery. These conditions can affect the healing process and increase the likelihood of post-operative inflammation or corneal abnormalities.


Severe dry eye syndrome:
Laser eye surgery can exacerbate existing dry eye syndrome or even cause it in some cases. Candidates with severe dry eye syndrome may not be eligible for the procedure, as it can lead to discomfort and prolonged healing.


The importance of consultation before laser eye surgery

Consultation with an experienced ophthalmologist is crucial before undergoing laser eye surgery. During this consultation, the ophthalmologist will perform a comprehensive eye examination to determine whether the candidate meets the necessary criteria for the procedure.

They will assess factors such as stability of vision, overall eye health, corneal thickness, and any potential contraindications for surgery. This consultation allows candidates to ask questions, address concerns, and fully understand the risks and benefits of laser eye surgery.



In conclusion, while laser eye surgery has proven to be a life-changing procedure for many individuals, it is unsuitable for everyone. Factors such as stable vision, good overall eye health, adequate corneal thickness, and age requirements are important qualifiers for the surgery.

Conversely, pregnancy and breastfeeding, unstable vision, autoimmune disorders, and severe dry eye syndrome are factors that disqualify someone from having laser eye surgery. Consulting with an ophthalmologist is essential to assess suitability and ensure a successful outcome.

With careful consideration and professional guidance, individuals can decide whether laser eye surgery is the right choice for them.


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