Reasons Not to Get Lasik


Lasik surgery has gained immense popularity over the years as a safe and effective way to correct vision problems.
However, there are valid reasons why some individuals may choose not to undergo this procedure. It is essential to consider all the factors involved before making a decision. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why one might choose not to get lasik surgery.


Reasons to not get Lasik Surgery done


Natural concerns:
Some individuals prefer to embrace their natural vision, even with its imperfections. They may feel that glasses or contact lenses are a part of their identity and do not wish to alter it through surgery. Additionally, they may have concerns about the potential long-term effects of lasik surgery on their eyes.


Lasik surgery can be expensive, especially when considering the initial procedure and any potential follow-up visits. For individuals on a tight budget, the cost of lasik surgery may not be feasible or may require significant financial planning.


Fear of complications:
While lasik surgery is generally considered safe, there is always a risk of complications. Some individuals may have a fear of potential side effects or complications that could occur during or after the procedure. This fear may outweigh the potential benefits of improved vision.


Unsuitable candidates:
Not everyone is a suitable candidate for lasik surgery. Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or autoimmune disorders, may disqualify individuals from undergoing the procedure. Additionally, individuals with severe refractive errors or thin corneas may not be suitable candidates for lasik surgery.


Temporary discomfort:
After lasik surgery, individuals may experience temporary discomfort, such as dry eyes, blurry vision, or halos around lights. Some individuals may find this discomfort to be intolerable or disruptive to their daily lives, leading them to opt-out of the procedure.


Is it risky to get lasik done?

It is important to note that lasik surgery is generally considered safe and has a high success rate. However, like any surgical procedure, there are risks involved. The level of risk varies from person to person based on factors such as their overall health, eye condition, and the skill of the surgeon.

Before undergoing lasik surgery, individuals should have a thorough consultation with their eye surgeon to discuss their specific case and any potential risks. The surgeon will evaluate the individual’s eye health, medical history, and other relevant factors to determine whether they are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

It is also crucial for individuals to follow all pre and post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon to minimise the risk of complications. By carefully selecting a qualified and experienced surgeon and following all necessary precautions, the risk associated with lasik surgery can be significantly reduced.


Why are most people scared of lasik?


Fear of the unknown:
Lasik surgery involves reshaping the cornea, which can be intimidating for individuals who are unfamiliar with the procedure. The fear of the unknown and the thought of someone operating on their eyes can be overwhelming for some people.


Anxiety about the outcome:
People may worry about the potential outcome of the surgery. They may fear that their vision will not improve as expected or that they may experience complications that could affect their daily lives.


Sensitivity towards eyes:
Many individuals have a natural sensitivity towards their eyes and may feel uncomfortable with any procedure involving their vision. The thought of someone working on their eyes can provoke anxiety and fear.


Previous bad experiences: 
Some individuals may have heard or read about negative experiences or complications related to lasik surgery. These stories can create fear and doubt in the minds of those considering the procedure.

While lasik surgery has proven to be a safe and effective way to correct vision problems for many individuals, it is not the right choice for everyone. Natural concerns, cost, fear of complications, unsuitability as a candidate, and temporary discomfort are all valid reasons why individuals may choose not to get lasik surgery.

It is important for individuals to thoroughly research and consider all the factors involved before making a decision. Consulting with a qualified eye surgeon and discussing any concerns or fears can help individuals make an informed choice about their vision correction options.

Ultimately, the decision whether or not to get lasik surgery should be based on an individual’s unique circumstances, preferences, and comfort level.


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