How Much Cornea Is Removed in Contoura?

How Much Cornea Is Removed in Contoura?


What is Contoura?

Contoura surgery, also known as Contoura Vision or topography-guided LASIK, is an advanced refractive surgery technique used to correct problems associated with nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. It is considered a significant advancement in laser eye surgery and offers improved outcomes compared to traditional LASIK procedures.

Here are some key points about Contoura surgery:


Contoura vision surgery utilizes a topography-guided approach, which means that this surgery is tailored to the unique corneal shape of each individual. It employs advanced mapping technology to create a highly detailed and precise cornea map, measuring thousands of data points. This map guides the laser treatment, allowing for a more personalized and accurate vision correction procedure.


Diagnostic Process:
Before undergoing the Contoura vision surgery, the patient undergoes a complete and comprehensive pre-operative evaluation. This evaluation involves mapping the corneal surface using a corneal topographer. The topographer measures the elevation and curvature of the Cornea, identifying even subtle irregularities that may contribute to vision problems. Thus completing the diagnosis.


Treatment Planning:
The real data collected from the corneal topography is analyzed to create a personalized and specific treatment plan. The surgeon uses specialized software to determine the most suitable laser pattern for each patient, considering their unique corneal irregularities. This customized treatment plan aims to improve the quality of vision and reduce higher-order aberrations that may cause halos, glare, or decreased contrast sensitivity.


Surgical Procedure:
The Contoura surgery procedure is similar to traditional LASIK surgery. It begins with creating a thin corneal flap using a femtosecond laser or a microkeratome. Once the corneal flap is lifted, an excimer laser device is used to reshape the corneal tissue underneath based on the personalized treatment plan derived from the corneal topography. The laser ablation precisely removes tissue to correct the refractive error, reshaping the Cornea to improve visual acuity.


Benefits of Contoura Surgery


Enhanced visual outcomes:
Contoura surgery aims to provide sharper, clearer vision by addressing lower and higher-order aberrations that may contribute to visual disturbances.


Reduced side effects:
By customizing the treatment to the patient’s corneal irregularities, Contoura surgery may result in fewer side effects such as halos, glare, and difficulty with night vision.


Increased precision:
Advanced mapping technology and personalized treatment plans allow for a more accurate and predictable surgical outcome.
Expanded eligibility: Contoura surgery is effective for patients with higher refractive errors, irregular astigmatism, and previous LASIK procedures.


Limitations to Consider- How much Cornea is removed in Contoura?


Not suitable for everyone:
Contoura vision surgery may not be appropriate and suitable for everyone,e for example, individuals with certain corneal abnormalities, thin corneas, severe dry eye, or other eye conditions. A thorough evaluation by an ophthalmologist is necessary to determine eligibility.


Contoura surgery is generally more expensive than traditional LASIK due to the advanced technology and customized treatment approach. The cost may vary depending on various factors like clinic, surgeon, and geographical location.

Therefore considering the above points, It is important to consult with a qualified ophthalmologist or refractive surgeon to determine if Contoura surgery is the right option for your specific needs. They will be able to assess your eye health, discuss the potential benefits and risks, and provide personalized recommendations based on your circumstances.


How much Cornea is removed in Contoura?

Contoura surgery, as we now know, is a laser eye surgery procedure that aims to correct refractive errors by reshaping the Cornea. The amount of corneal tissue removed during Contoura surgery varies depending on the patient’s refractive error and the treatment plan developed by the surgeon. However, it’s important to note that Contoura surgery is a tissue-sparing procedure compared to older generations of LASIK.

During Contoura surgery, a femtosecond laser or a microkeratome creates a thin flap on the Cornea. The thickness of the corneal flap typically ranges from around 100 to 160 micrometers, depending on the specific laser technology and surgeon’s preference. The flap is then lifted to disclose the corneal tissue underneath.

The next step involves the usage of an excimer laser to precisely reshape the Cornea based on the personalized treatment plan derived from corneal topography. The excimer laser ablates (removes) a small amount of corneal tissue in a controlled manner, following the predetermined pattern determined by the corneal topography map. This minimal tissue removal is targeted to correct the patient’s refractive error and corneal irregularities.

The corneal tissue removed during Contoura surgery is typically measured in micrometers. It ranges from as little as 10 micrometers to around 50 micrometers or more. It’s important to note that Contoura surgery aims to achieve optimal visual outcomes while preserving as much corneal tissue as possible. This leads to faster healing and minimizes the risk of complications.

The exact amount of tissue removal can vary depending on factors such as the patient’s initial refractive error, the desired correction, and the specific treatment plan determined by the surgeon. Each patient’s treatment plan is personalized based on their unique corneal topography. Subsequently, aiming to correct lower and higher-order aberrations that may affect visual acuity.

Therefore it becomes crucial for individuals considering Contoura surgery to consult with a qualified ophthalmologist or refractive surgeon. These specialists will thoroughly evaluate the patient’s eye health and determine the appropriate treatment plan. Additionally, they will provide personalized recommendations based on the individual’s specific needs and circumstances.

During the consultation, the surgeon will discuss the expected amount of corneal tissue removal and its implications for the patient. They will also address any concerns or questions regarding the procedure, including potential risks, benefits, and the expected recovery process.


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