Can You Get Smile Pro Eye Surgery While Pregnant?

Pregnancy embodies a unique chapter in a woman’s journey, brimming with exhilaration and anticipation. However, it can also come with its fair share of challenges and restrictions. One common concern for pregnant women is whether they can undergo certain medical procedures, such as Smile Pro surgery. This document will explore the safety and risks of getting Smile Pro Eye surgery while pregnant.

But can you undergo Smile Pro surgery while pregnant? The short answer is no. Let’s go forward to know more about it.


Understanding SMILE Pro Eye Surgery

SMILE Pro eye surgery, also known as Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, is a minimally invasive laser vision correction procedure that can correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness (myopia) and astigmatism. It bears similarities to LASIK surgery, but with one significant distinction—SMILE Pro does not necessitate the creation of a corneal flap.

The procedure involves using a femtosecond laser, renowned for creating precise cuts in tissue. This laser is used to craft a small lenticule, or disc of corneal tissue, within the cornea. Subsequently, this lenticule is removed through a minuscule incision in the cornea. This very act of removing the lenticule alters the shape of the cornea, thereby rectifying the refractive error.

SMILE Pro is a quick and relatively painless procedure. The laser treatment component typically takes only about 10 seconds to complete.


Advantages of SMILE Pro Eye Surgery


Minimally invasive:
Unlike other procedures, SMILE Pro does not require the creation of a corneal flap, thus reducing the risk of complications.


Fast recovery:
Most patients quickly recover from SMILE Pro eye surgery and can resume their normal activities within a few days.


High success rate:
SMILE Pro boasts a high success rate, with over 95% of patients achieving 20/20 vision or better.


Why is it not safe to undergo Smile Pro surgery while pregnant?

Given the sensitive nature of pregnancy, Smile Pro surgery, also known as refractive eye surgery or laser eye surgery, is generally not recommended. This procedure corrects vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism by reshaping the cornea using a laser. While no specific data is available for the safety of Smile Pro surgery during pregnancy, it is generally advisable to avoid elective surgeries during pregnancy unless necessary.


Risks of getting Smile Pro Eye surgery while pregnant

During pregnancy, the body undergoes numerous hormonal changes that can affect vision. These changes can cause a temporary increase in nearsightedness or astigmatism, which could affect the accuracy of the eye measurements taken before the surgery.


Hormonal fluctuations:
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect the shape and thickness of your cornea, leading to temporary vision changes. It could affect the accuracy of the preoperative measurements and, hence, the ultimate success of SMILE Pro eye surgery.


Medication risks:
The numbing eye drops and medications used before and after the procedure could potentially enter the bloodstream and pose risks to the fetus. Although these risks are likely minimal, they cannot be completely ruled out.


Any surgical procedure can cause stress, which may not be good for a pregnant woman and the baby.


Post-surgery medications:
Post-operation, patients are generally prescribed medicated eye drops to prevent infection and inflammation. These medications could potentially have an impact on the unborn baby.

Given these potential risks, postponing SMILE Pro eye surgery is recommended until after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Always consult your doctor or ophthalmologist to make an informed decision about any medical procedures during pregnancy.


When is it safe to get Smile Pro surgery?

It is essential to understand that the safety and suitability of Smile Pro surgery, or any refractive eye surgery, depend on various factors. These include the stability of your vision, overall health, and pre-existing eye conditions. These are some points to consider:


Stable Vision:
A stable vision prescription for at least a year before the procedure is crucial. Significant changes in your prescription can impact the procedure’s accuracy and success.


Typically, it’s recommended to wait until your late teens or early twenties to undergo refractive surgery, as vision tends to stabilize by this age. However, some individuals may be eligible younger if their vision is consistent.


Good General Health:
Good overall health is a prerequisite. Certain medical conditions or medications may pose contraindications for refractive surgery.


Absence of Eye Diseases:
It’s essential not to have any underlying eye diseases or conditions that could affect the healing process or the outcome of the surgery.


Realistic Expectations:
You should have a realistic understanding of post-surgery outcomes. While refractive surgery can significantly improve vision, it may not result in perfect vision, and some people may still require glasses for certain tasks.


Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:
As previously mentioned, elective eye surgeries like Smile Pro surgery are generally avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Consultation with an Ophthalmologist:
It’s vital to have a comprehensive consultation with an experienced ophthalmologist who can evaluate your situation. They will conduct a thorough eye examination, review your medical history, and discuss the potential risks and benefits of the surgery.


Informed Consent:
Before proceeding, you must fully understand the procedure, potential risks, and the expected outcomes. This process requires an open and detailed discussion with your surgeon.



In conclusion, Smile Pro surgery is a popular and effective procedure to correct vision problems and improve overall quality of life. However, it’s crucial to approach this surgical option cautiously and consult a medical professional before making any decisions. Pregnant individuals should refrain from undergoing Smile Pro surgery until after giving birth, and all other candidates must meet specific eligibility criteria for the best possible.


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