C3R Surgery in Delhi for Keratoconus

What is C3R eye surgery definition ?

It  means Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking with Riboflavin. C3R eye surgery is a cutting-edge treatment designed to strengthen the cornea. This simple yet powerful procedure can stop the progression of keratoconus, a condition where the cornea thins and begins to bulge into a cone shape. By using Vitamin B2 and UV light, C3R surgery strengthens corneal fibers, making the eye’s surface more stable. It’s an effective, minimally invasive option for those seeking to improve their vision and halt the advancement of keratoconus. This treatment offers hope and clearer vision for many, making it a key solution for healthier eyes.

How is the C3R Eye Surgery in delhi Performed?

The C3R eye surgery procedure is straightforward and safe. First, the eye doctor will apply numbing drops to your eye to ensure comfort during the procedure. Then, Vitamin B2 drops are gently placed onto the cornea. After the eye has absorbed these drops, the doctor uses a special UV light to activate the vitamin. This process strengthens the cornea by creating stronger bonds between the corneal fibers. The whole treatment takes about 30 minutes per eye. It’s a quick, painless way to get clearer vision and stop keratoconus from getting worse. This surgery is a hopeful choice for those looking to protect and improve their eye health.

What are the Benefits of C3R eye surgery in delhi?

C3R eye surgery offers multiple benefits that can significantly improve vision and overall eye health. This innovative treatment can:

  • Halt Keratoconus Progress. It effectively stops the thinning and bulging of the cornea, keeping vision from worsening.
  • Strengthen the Cornea. By enhancing corneal fibers, C3R surgery makes the cornea more resilient and stable.
  • Improve Vision Clarity. Many patients report clearer, sharper vision post-surgery.
  • Minimize Dependence on Glasses or Contacts. Some individuals may find their need for corrective lenses reduced.
  • Quick and Painless. The procedure is completed in about 30 minutes per eye, with minimal discomfort.

By choosing C3R eye surgery, patients opt for a safer, healthier future for their eyes. This straightforward treatment offers a beacon of hope for those battling keratoconus, promising clearer vision and improved quality of life.

What is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a corneal disorder, in which the cornea loses its strength, becomes thinner and conical in shape.

Does C3R improve your eyesight?

No, C3R does not improve your vision, but it helps it to stabilize the vision and prevents it from fluctuating.

What are the potential risks and side effects associated with C3R surgery?

While C3R surgery is generally safe and effective, like any medical procedure, it comes with potential risks and side effects. Most people experience a smooth recovery, but it’s important to be aware of what could happen. Potential risks include:

  • Mild Discomfort: Some patients might feel slight discomfort or sensitivity to light right after the surgery. This usually wears off quickly.
  • Swelling or Redness: The treated eye may swell or appear red for a few days. This is a normal part of the healing process.
  • Infection Risk: Although rare, there’s a small chance of infection. Using prescribed eye drops can help lower this risk.
  • Temporary Vision Changes: Vision might fluctuate during the first few weeks as your eyes heal.

Choosing C3R eye surgery can offer great benefits for those with keratoconus, including stopping its progression and improving vision clarity. With a quick, 30-minute procedure and minimal risks, it’s a leading choice for enhancing eye health. If you’re considering this treatment, discussing the potential risks and benefits with your eye doctor can help ensure the best outcome for your vision needs.

Who is a good candidate for C3R surgery?

C3R surgery can help many people with keratoconus, a common eye issue. If you notice your vision is getting blurry or your eyes are changing shape, this treatment might be right for you. Ideal candidates for C3R surgery have mild to moderate keratoconus and are looking for a way to improve their vision. This simple treatment can make a big difference. It stops keratoconus from getting worse and helps eyes see clearer. If you wear glasses or contacts, C3R surgery might reduce your need for them. Talk to your eye doctor if you think C3R is right for you. Together, you can decide if this safe, quick procedure can improve your eye health and vision.

What is the recovery process like after C3R surgery?

Recovery after C3R surgery is usually quick and smooth, letting patients get back to daily life with enhanced vision. Most people feel comfortable returning to normal activities within a few days. Right after surgery, you may notice mild discomfort or sensitivity to light, but these symptoms are temporary and typically fade within the first 24 hours. Following your eye doctor’s advice is key to a speedy recovery. This includes wearing protective eyewear as prescribed and using eye drops to prevent infection and aid healing. Clearer vision and a stable cornea are the big wins from choosing C3R surgery for keratoconus treatment. If you’re ready for better eye health, ask your doctor about C3R surgery today. Keep in mind, your path to sharper vision and stronger corneas starts with this revolutionary, simple procedure.

How does C3R eye surgery compare to other treatments for keratoconus, such as intacs or corneal transplants?

C3R eye surgery stands out against other treatments for keratoconus like intacs or corneal transplants. Check the table below for a quick and easy comparison:


C3R Surgery

Intacs Inserts

Corneal Transplants


Strengthens the cornea to halt keratoconus progression.

Corrects mild keratoconus by reshaping the cornea.

Replaces the damaged cornea with a healthy donor tissue.

Procedure Time

Quick, around 30 minutes per eye.

Takes 10-15 minutes per eye.

Can last 1-2 hours.


Fast, with minimal discomfort.

Short, with some patients feeling discomfort.

Longer, requiring weeks to months for full recovery.


Stops progression of keratoconus, potentially improves vision.

Temporarily improves vision but does not halt progression. 

Offers the chance for clear vision but comes with higher risks.


Low risk, with a chance of mild discomfort and temporary vision changes.

Low to moderate risk, including irritation and vision issues.

Higher risks, including rejection of donor tissue and long-term complications.


Affordable, making it accessible.

Often more expensive than C3R.

Most costly option due to surgery and aftercare.

C3R surgery is a simpler, quicker, and more affordable treatment for keratoconus that offers enhanced safety and effectiveness. It’s an excellent option for stopping the progression of keratoconus while improving the cornea’s strength and potentially enhancing vision clarity. Whether you’re considering C3R, intacs, or a corneal transplant, it’s essential to consult with your eye doctor to find the best course of action for your eye health and vision needs.

Are there any alternative treatments available for keratoconus?

Keratoconus patients have several alternative treatments besides C3R surgery. These options aim to improve vision and halt the disease’s progression. Here are some effective alternatives:

  1. Contact Lenses: Specially designed lenses, like rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contacts, provide clearer vision by shaping the cornea. Soft or hybrid lenses are also options for comfort and better fit.
  2. Cross-Linking (CXL): Similar to C3R, CXL strengthens the cornea but uses a different procedure. It’s effective in stopping keratoconus from worsening.
  3. Topography-Guided Laser Treatment: This laser application reshapes the cornea based on precise mapping, improving its contour and vision quality.
  4. Eye Drops: Certain prescribed drops can help manage symptoms and improve comfort, though they don’t stop the disease’s progression.
  5. Corneal Ring Inserts (Intacs): These small inserts help flatten the cornea, aiming to improve vision for those not ready for or wanting to avoid surgery.

Remember, each treatment has its benefits and suits different stages of keratoconus. Consulting with an eye care professional is crucial to choose the best option for your eye health.

How much does c3r procedure cost in Delhi?

C3r procedure halts the further progress of keratoconus. And this procedure is quite helpful in averting the risks of such an eye condition. It has a higher success rate than any other standard treatment. The cost of c3r procedure may vary as per the location and eye care center you choose. Also, the c3r procedure cost in Delhi depends on your doctor’s quality of service and experience. At Visual Aids Centre, the cost of c3r procedure is around INR 50,000 to 60,000. Our specialists have colossal experience in specific eye surgeries. And they provide the best and ideal eye treatment option for each patient.

Also, many eye care centers don’t reveal the overall procedure cost—the pre and post-procedure costs and expenses involved in the medications and tests. But, we clarify all the fees before the process, which you may find completely worth it for the quality of service you get.

Why is c3r so expensive?

Expense is a major concern when deciding to undergo c3r procedure. But, it is necessary to go for the most suitable option as per your condition. Thus, you can consult eye care experts from the Visual Aids Centre for the best advice. At Visual Aids Centre, c3r procedure cost in Delhi is affordable. It is great for treating severe eye ailments. Also, it is helpful to prevent your vision from getting worse. Although after this procedure, you will still need glasses. But, it will maintain your current eyesight level.

The use of state-of-the-art technology in c3r procedure makes it expensive. But, it is a great way to strengthen the corneal tissue and stabilize your vision. However, this process demands expert treatment, which has expertise in this specific field. Thus, you can reach our center for the best c3r procedure.

Does insurance cover the costs of c3r procedure?

Almost every insurance will cover the costs of the procedure. Also, the coverage may depend on the type of procedure. Some insurance may only cover some part of the cost. You can know the c3r procedure cost in Delhi from our eye care center’s in Lajpat Nagar. And you can then quickly know about the amount of cover you will get. Also, it is necessary to go through the policy of insurance. 


There is no such cause per say found yet that causes keratoconus. However, it is suspected to be caused due to environmental and genetic factors as every 1 out of 10 people with keratoconus also have a parent or both with the same condition.


Consult an ophthalmologist if your eyesight is worsening rapidly or you have symptoms like inability to wear contact lenses, distortion of vision, eye irritation or itching, blurry vision. If you witness any one or all of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult a specialist soon.


Generally, keratoconus affects both the eyes but the effect is more severe on one eye than the other.


Keratoconus usually begins to affect people between the ages of 10 years upto 25 years.


Keratoconus is not a common type of eye disease, but it is by no means rare in the present time. It is estimated to occur in approximately 1 out of every 2000 persons in the general population.


If you have a family history of someone suffering from keratoconus then it slightly increases your chances of developing this problem as it is suspected to have a genetic cause. Other reasons may involve rubbing your eyes vigorously or an eye injury that may break down the inside lining of the cornea allowing hydrops, the fluid to enter the cornea causing swelling in the cornea and blurred or distorted vision. Inflammation from allergies, atopic eye diseases or asthma may also break down tissue of the cornea possibly causing keratoconus.


In the early stages of keratoconus, one is likely to face vision problems which can be corrected with glasses or soft contact lenses. However, in the later stage it becomes impossible to wear normal soft lenses, in such a situation scleral lenses or other types of rigid lenses may be used to correct the problem of vision.

If the problem persists and keratoconus progresses to an advanced stage, one may have to go through a cornea transplant. Another newly adopted and unconventional treatment for keratoconus is C3R or corneal collagen cross linking which prevents the progression of keratoconus to an advanced stage.


C3R helps in slowing down or stopping the progress of keratoconus. It prevents the condition from worsening and the need for a future cornea transplant. This treatment is usually in addition to other vision correction options. Corneal collagen cross linking or C3R does not reverse cornea changes that have already occurred, it just prevents its progression and slows it down so that you don’t have to go through a cornea transplant which is a major surgery and that is what people generally tend to avoid.


There are generally two types of C3R namely, epithelium off C3R and epithelium on C3R. Your doctor may perform the kind of C3R more suitable to your condition. The difference between epithelium on and epithelium off cross linking is that in epithelium off cross linking, the epithelium which is the outermost layer of the cornea is removed to allow the entry of riboflavin, a type of Vitamin B inside the cornea which is later activated with UV rays. With epithelium on cross linking method, also known as transepithelial cross linking, the corneal epithelium is not removed during the procedure and is left intact.


There are different tests that your doctor may conduct before following up for the treatment to better understand your eye problem and determine more details regarding the shape of your cornea. Tests to determine keratoconus include eye sight test, eye refraction, slit lamp examination, keratometry and computerised corneal mapping. These tests help your doctor to better understand your condition and suggest you a treatment accordingly. Eye refraction is to understand your vision problems whereas a slit lamp examination evaluates the shape of your cornea and looks for other potential problems in your eye. Keratometry and computerised corneal mapping is to measure the size and basic shape of your cornea and through reflection or special photography tests. It also helps to detect early signs of keratoconus.


The success rate of collagen cross linking in preventing bulging and thinning of the cornea is over 90%. In C3R, you do not require eye donation as it is required in cornea transplant. It is a simpler and more effective treatment to prevent the progression of keratoconus.


Like every other treatment, there are few potential risks associated with corneal collagen cross linking too. It involves discomfort in the eye, hazy vision for a short term, inability to wear contact lenses for a few weeks after you get the treatment done and occasional changes in the eye sight.


The aim of C3R is to strengthen the cornea by increasing the number of anchors that bond collagen fibres together. It prevents the progression of keratoconus to an advanced stage. 


You are most likely to experience discomfort in the eye for a short period of time soon after the treatment. Redness in the eye, mild pain and watering, an unusual body sensation for a few days are other possible side effects of the treatment. However, your doctor shall prescribe medicines and antibiotic drops to prevent infection in the eye, get away with these problems and heal sooner. One most important thing that your doctor will highly recommend you is not to rub your eye after the treatment until it gets better. 


Our ophthalmologists and specialists at visual aids centre are expertise with advanced diagnosis and treatment for keratoconus and have extensive experience as well as training in the treatment of cornea diseases like keratoconus and other eye conditions.


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